Calvert County Sheriff’s Office K9 Unit Visits Hermitage Retirement and Assisted Living Facility in Solomons

September 16, 2024

On Thursday, September 12th 2024, members of the Calvert County Sheriff’s Office K9 Unit Sgt. Morgan (K9 Bruno) and DFC Hendrickson (K9 Atlas), along with Cpl. Durner and his partner Dougall, had the pleasure of visiting the wonderful residents at The Hermitage Retirement and Assisted Living Facility in Solomons.

The dogs were a hit, and Dougall charmed everyone with his lap hugs and constant tail wags!

Sgt. Morgan was honored to meet a former MPD K9 handler in the crowd and presented him with a special K9 patch as a token of appreciation for his service. Seeing the smiles on the residents’ faces made our day.

It was a memorable visit, and we can’t wait to come back! Thank you to everyone at Hermitage for your warm hospitality!