The Calvert County Department of Public Safety Animal Control Division reminds pet owners to be extra cautious during the holiday season. Extra sights, sounds and people can cause pets to become over-stressed and may cause them to act out.
“As a precaution to prevent additional stress to the pet and ensure the safety of your guests, it is advised to secure your pet away during gatherings,” said Animal Control Division Supervisor Craig Dichter. “Some pets may not react well to large crowds or young children and may become confused, scared or protective and can bite unintentionally.”
If a pet does bite, please secure the animal right away and seek medical attention, added Dichter.
It is also important for pet owners to remember that certain holiday foods, flowers and plants can cause harm and in some cases, if ingested, can be deadly. If you suspect your pet may have ingested something and is acting differently, contact your veterinarian or the nearest emergency veterinary hospital right away. For a list of foods and plants that can be harmful to your pet, visit the American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals online at
The mission of the Calvert County Department of Public Safety Animal Control Division is to fairly and humanely enforce the animal control laws, regulations and ordinances as set forth by the state of Maryland and the Calvert County Board of County Commissioners.
Animal Control Officers work within our community to respond to calls for service regarding domestic animals and wildlife suspected of being rabid. The division educates the community about animal welfare and safety, addresses violations of state law and county ordinances, and patrols assigned areas looking for problem or nuisance animals running at large.