We would like to announce to the Citizens of our Community the schedule for our Annual Santa Run. This year we will be bringing Santa around to the Hollywood Community on one of our Fire Engines. We plan on starting this Friday, December 4th. Our plan is to have Santa around the community on Friday, Saturday, and Sunday nights between 5pm and 8pm. Please review our calendar of Santa visits to find out what day Santa will be around your neighborhood.
Just a reminder, Santa will be riding on a Fire Engine that will be staffed with our Volunteers. If the Engine is needed on an Emergency Incident, we will have to take Santa with us on the incident and hope to return after the incident is over. Also, we might have to reschedule some areas if the weather does not cooperate with us. We will let everyone know so you can pass the information on to friends and family. Please feel free to follow our Hollywood Volunteer Fire Department Facebook page for any updates.
Please assist Hollywood VFD in sharing this Santa Run Schedule with your family and friends within our Hollywood Community, so we can say hi and you can say hi to Santa! We look forward to seeing all the kids out and we know Santa is looking forward to it as well.