Caution Advised in Solomons Due to Construction Work Through March and April 2022

March 15, 2022

The Department of Public Works advises that there will be heavy construction traffic in Solomons for the next several weeks. Residents, businesses and visitors are asked to be patient, remain alert and allow for longer commute times as crews work to maintain public infrastructure.

Work includes paving of multiple streets, including Alexander Lane, C Street, Calvert Street, Langley Lane, Lore Road, Sedwick Avenue and Woodburn Street. Crews will also replace the sidewalk along Solomons Island Road S (MD-2) from Bunky’s Charter Boats to Charles Street.

Pavement preparation and sidewalk replacement will begin on or about Monday, March 14, and is expected to continue for approximately four weeks, weather permitting. Mainline paving of travel lanes and shoulders is expected to begin in April.

Sewer rehabilitation work is ongoing.

Electronic message boards will be posted to notify travelers of construction work. Citizens are advised to use caution in the area while construction is underway.