Survey Seeks Resident Feedback to Improve Calvert County Services

August 29, 2023

Calvert County residents can help improve their county government services by participating in a new community survey that aims to help officials better understand residents’ priorities, concerns on county services and overall quality of life. Residents who responded previously are encouraged to respond again.

The latest survey is available at and asks residents to rate their experience with different aspects of life in Calvert County including housing, education, transportation and public safety. Feedback will be used by county officials and staff to better identify and understand concerns and enhance the county’s responsiveness to community issues.

Survey responses are confidential and anonymous; however, a respondent may choose to share their email address if they wish to receive updates about future surveys. The survey will not collect an individual’s name, address or any other identifying information.

Calvert County Government conducted its first community survey between January and June 2023, which saw more than 1,000 responses. Seventy-five percent of those surveyed indicated they are satisfied with life in Calvert County, particularly with libraries, safety, education, and parks and recreation.

Areas of life that respondents are less satisfied with include access to affordable housing, permit and zoning processes, jobs that pay a living wage, and public transportation services.

Overall satisfaction and high scores on safety indicate that this is an important area to maintain, while overall satisfaction and low scores indicate that a sense of community is an important area to focus on.

These responses are being used by county officials and staff to enhance existing services and develop new programs. Find the full report available online at