Saint Mary’s County Planning Commission Meeting Summary: August 19, 2024

August 20, 2024

The August 19, 2024, meeting of the Saint Mary’s County Planning Commission was particularly focused on the approval process for the Bay Ridge Estates townhouse development, located on Bay Ridge Road in Great Mills, Maryland. Below is an overview of the key points and discussions from the meeting.

Bay Ridge Estates Townhouse Development
The main agenda item was the public hearing for the Bay Ridge Estates development, which proposes 60 townhouse units. Shawn Ley from the Department of Land Use and Growth Management presented the concept site plan, highlighting that:

The development falls within a Residential High-Density (RH) zoning district, making it suitable for the proposed use.
The site is located within the Lexington Park Development District, a designated growth area in the county’s Comprehensive Plan.
The project must comply with county regulations, including those concerning landscaping, buffer yards, off-street parking, and resource protection.

Traffic and Infrastructure Concerns
One of the major topics of discussion was the potential traffic impact on Route 5 and Bay Ridge Road, especially during peak hours. The development is expected to generate 33 trips per hour during peak evening hours, which is below the county’s threshold for requiring a traffic study (50 trips per hour). However, concerns were raised by Planning Commission members, particularly John Brown, regarding existing traffic congestion in the area.

William Mahaffey, representing the applicant, explained that while traffic backups on Route 5 are recognized, the development’s scale does not necessitate additional traffic studies under current guidelines. He noted that the project includes a three-lane entrance on Bay Ridge Road to help mitigate traffic flow issues.

Jim Gotsch from the Department of Public Works and Transportation provided further context, explaining that while improvements to Route 5 were initially planned by the State Highway Administration, budget cuts have delayed these efforts. He mentioned that utility relocations are ongoing, but the road widening project has been postponed indefinitely due to funding issues.

Commission Deliberations
The Commission members deliberated on several aspects of the project:

Parking: Concerns were raised about the lack of visitor parking, as the plan only includes two parking spaces per townhouse. This led to a discussion on the limitations of the current zoning ordinance, which does not require additional visitor parking.
Recreational Spaces: The Commission emphasized the importance of including developed recreational areas, such as tot lots or benches, within the development. They suggested making it a condition of approval to ensure these amenities are included.
Decision and Conditions of Approval
The Commission voted to approve the Bay Ridge Estates concept site plan with the following conditions:

Road Improvements: Any road improvements required by the state and county must be completed before the issuance of the Certificate of Occupancy for the development.
Recreational Areas: At least one of the identified recreational areas within the development must be developed as a “developed recreational open space.” This includes the provision of benches and other amenities that promote outdoor activities.

The meeting concluded with the unanimous approval of the Bay Ridge Estates concept site plan, ensuring that the project would move forward with the specified conditions. The meeting was adjourned after a brief discussion about the next steps and future agenda items.

This detailed overview provides insight into the Commission’s careful consideration of both the immediate impacts of new developments and the long-term needs of the community, particularly in terms of infrastructure and public amenities.