Christina Tomco, 37, and Salvatore Gallodoro, 38, both of Prince Frederick, Stole Children’s Easter Items from a Church
On Saturday, April 1, 2017, at approximately 1:00 pm, Deputy D. Naughton of the Calvert County Sheriff’s Office was dispatched to Our Lady Star of the Sea (Church), located in Solomon’s Island, for the report of a burglary.
A church employee stated they noticed the lobby area had been rummaged through and multiple items (donated for a children’s Easter Raffle) were missing.
Deputy Naughton approached two persons walking in the Church parking lot and discovered they stole the missing items. Christina Tomco, 37, of Prince Frederick, and Salvatore Gallodoro, 38, also of Prince Frederick, were arrested for 2nd Degree Burglary, 4th Degree Burglary and Theft Less than $100.00.
Gallodoro was also found with straws containing Xanax residue in his shoe; he received an additional charge of CDS Paraphernalia (straw).

Christina Tomco, 37, and Salvatore Gallodoro, 38, both of Prince Frederick, Stole Children’s Easter Items from a Church

Christina Tomco, 37, of Prince Frederick,

Salvatore Gallodoro, 38, of Prince Frederick