Kathleen Bauman, 53, of Prince Frederick
On Monday, March 27, 2017, at approximately 4:00 pm, Deputy B. Sampson of the Calvert County Sheriff’s Office was dispatched to Bandit Al Lane, in St. Leonard, for a trespassing complaint.
Responding officers made entry into the home and determined that Kathleen Bauman, 53, of Prince Frederick, was the trespasser and would not leave the complainant’s home. She was searched and found to have pills (Zolpidem) and a small amount of marijuana on her person.
Bauman was placed under arrest for Trespassing on Private Property, CDS Possession of a Dangerous Nonnarcotic Drug (Zolpidem) and received a Civil Citation for Possession of Marijuana under 10 grams.

Kathleen Bauman, 53, of Prince Frederick