Finds $10,000 prize on $5 Deluxe Crossword game

Winning $10,000 playing the Deluxe Crossword game made this novice a scratch-off fan.
Visiting family members on the Eastern Shore gave La Plata scratch-off novice Stephen Langer $10,000 reasons to smile! The lucky grandfather got to spend time with his grandchildren and later discovered that a Deluxe Crossword scratch-off he bought while he was there carried a $10,000 prize!
Stephen found his lucky $5 instant ticket at Lewes Dairy located at 840 High Street in Chestertown. He randomly selected two scratch-offs, both Deluxe Crossword games, at the Kent County retailer and took them to his son’s house. His son and daughter-in-law, who are avid scratch-off players, have won big prizes in the past and inspired the novice to try his luck, too.
“I didn’t even know what I was doing,” said Stephen, a Wawa employee who works in management for the East Coast chain of convenience stores. “I downloaded the Maryland Lottery app and scanned the the ticket and found out I won.”
The 59-year-old plans to pay bills with his prize.
The Deluxe Crossword game has six unclaimed $50,000 top prizes and 14 more $10,000 prizes, in addition to thousands of other prizes ranging from $5 to $1,000.

Winning $10,000 playing the Deluxe Crossword game made this novice a scratch-off fan.