Calvert Meals on Wheels (CMOW) accepted a check for $6,419, on April 19, 2017, from Waldorf Subaru as part of Subaru’s Share the Love Event. Pictured from left to right are: Tayler Moore, A. J. Cuffee, Barbara Harris, CMOW President, and Marcello Grimaldi, General Sales Manager.
At the end of each year, Subaru’s Share the Love Event donates $250 for every new Subaru vehicle sold or leased to a host of charitable partners as selected by each customer. Since its inception, Subaru has donated more than $94 million to national and hometown charity partners through the program. The donation to Calvert Meals on Wheels will have a positive impact on the Calvert County community.
In 2016, CMOW served 16,571 meals to 124 residents throughout the county. Calvert Meals on Wheels recipients receive one nutritious noontime meal 5 days a week. They also receive shelf-stable food packages to be used in emergency situations when normal deliveries cannot be made. Drivers not only deliver food, but they also deliver a big smile which brightens up a homebound person’s day.