Brandon Currie, 22, of Leonardtown
On Saturday, April 29, 2017, Deputy R. Wilson of the Calvert County Sheriff’s Office was dispatched to the Solomon’s Island Taco Bell parking lot to assist Deputy D. Naughton with a vehicle chase that ended in the Taco Bell parking lot.
While conducting their investigation, another male arrived on the scene who claimed to be friends of the driver of the fleeing motorcycle. The male later identified as Brandon Currie, 22, of Leonardtown, was told to leave the immediate area so Officers could safely conduct their investigation.
When Currie refused to leave the area, he was informed he would be placed under arrest for hindering an investigation.
Currie continued to prevent Deputy Wilson from assisting the other Officers by interfering and not following orders.
He was placed under arrest for Obstructing and Hindering.

Brandon Currie, 22, of Leonardtown