On Thursday, May 11, 2017, at approximately 3:50 p.m., firefighters from Bay District, responded to the Comfort Inn & Suites on Three Notch Road, in Lexington Park for the report of a vehicle fire with occupants trapped.
Firefighters arrived on scene and discovered an occupied pickup truck in the parking lot with light smoke/mist coming from the radiator.
Firefighters removed the two male occupants from the vehicle and checked it for fire.
The two male occupants were incoherent and did not seem to be aware of their surroundings at all.

Tavon I Huffin, 26 of Lexington Park, and Brandon DJ Peterson, 31, of Mechanicsville
Prior to the arrival of police and fire personnel, a witness reported seeing the two men in the truck with the engine running, the driver appeared to be passed out with his foot on the accelerator, and the engine running at a very high RPM, before the truck started to smoke from the engine bay.
Deputies from the St. Mary’s County Sheriff’s Office arrived on the scene and began their investigation of the incident.
Tavon I Huffin, 26 of Lexington Park, (Passenger) and Brandon DJ Peterson, 31, of Mechanicsville, (Driver) were both arrested at the scene and charged with possession of a controlled dangerous substance.

Brandon DJ Peterson, 31, of Mechanicsville

Tavon I Huffin, 26 of Lexington Park

Tavon I Huffin, 26 of Lexington Park, and Brandon DJ Peterson, 31, of Mechanicsville