The Nuclear Regulatory Commission staff will be available to discuss the 2016 safety performance of the Calvert Cliffs nuclear power plant, operated by Exelon Generation Co., during an open house on April 25 in Prince Frederick.
The open house will run from 5-7 p.m. at the SpringHill Suites, at 75 Sherry Lane. Agency employees responsible for inspections of the plant, including the resident inspectors based at the Lusby, Md., site on a full-time basis, will be on hand to discuss the plant’s performance and the NRC’s oversight of the facility.
Overall, Calvert Cliffs Units 1 & 2 operated safely during 2016. As of the end of last year, the plant had no inspection findings or performance indicators outside the normal band. As a result, it is currently under the NRC’s baseline level of oversight, which entails thousands of hours of inspection each year.
Under the NRC’s Reactor Oversight Process, the agency gauges plant performance through the use of color-coded inspection findings and performance indicators, which are statistical measurements of plant performance that can trigger additional oversight if exceeded. Any inspection findings or performance indicators that are greater than green (very low safety significance) trigger increased NRC oversight.
Day-to-day inspections are performed by two resident inspectors assigned to the plant. Reviews are also carried out at the sites by specialist inspectors assigned to the agency’s Region I office in King of Prussia, Pa.
The annual assessment letter for Calvert Cliffs is available on the NRC website. Current performance information for Unit 1 and Unit 2 is also available.