49 Recipients Get Funds for Local Cleanup and Conservation Activities
Parks & People Foundation’s paid internship program, Branches, received a grant for its work engaging low-income high school students in cleaning neighborhoods, creating green spaces and maintaining parks.
The Maryland Environmental Trust has awarded 49 Keep Maryland Beautiful grants totaling over $160,000 to municipalities, nonprofits and schools for beautification projects, community cleanup activities and environmental education programs throughout the state.
Nineteen counties and Baltimore City received the grants, an annual program funded by the Maryland Environmental Trust, Maryland Department of Housing and Community Development and Maryland Department of Transportation State Highway Administration.
These stewardship-focused grants help develop and support communities, families and youth taking personal responsibility for the health and quality of their communities.
“I’m excited to see this program expand to more than $160,000 this year,” Maryland Environmental Trust Director Bill Leahy said. “We recognize a huge need to support local communities, nonprofits and others who promoting proper stewardship of our neighborhoods and open spaces.”
2017 Keep Maryland Beautiful Grants and Recipients
Bill James Environmental Grant, $4,500 total (up to $1,000 each)
Organization | County |
ClearShark H2O | Anne Arundel |
North County High School | Anne Arundel |
Reginald F. Lewis High School, Room 317 | Baltimore City |
Calvert County Public Schools | Calvert |
KidsSTREAM Inc. | Charles |
Margaret Rosch Jones Grants, $5,800 total (up to $2,000 each)
Organization | County |
Maryland League of Conservation Voters Education Fund | Anne Arundel |
It’s About The Kids Education Organization | Baltimore City |
Sky Valley Association, Inc. | Garrett |
Harford Glen Environmental Education Center | Harford |
Phillips Wharf Environmental Center | Talbot |
Clean Up & Green Up Maryland Grant, $150,000 total (up to $5,000 each)
Organization | County |
City of Cumberland’s Neighborhood Advisory Commission | Allegany |
Annapolis Maritime Museum | Anne Arundel |
Greater Patapsco Community Association, Inc. | Baltimore |
NeighborSpace | Baltimore |
Blue Water Baltimore | Baltimore City |
C.A.R.E. Community Association | Baltimore City |
Citizens of Pigtown | Baltimore City |
Druid Heights Community Development Corporation | Baltimore City |
Friends of Patterson Park | Baltimore City |
Historic East Baltimore Community Action Coalition | Baltimore City |
Hollins Roundhouse Inc., a community association | Baltimore City |
Parks & People Foundation | Baltimore City |
Pigtown Main Street | Baltimore City |
Rebuilding Together Baltimore – Govans | Baltimore City |
Southwest Partnership | Baltimore City |
Whitelock Community Farm | Baltimore City |
York Road Partnership | Baltimore City |
City of Tanytown | Carroll |
Sykesville Main Street Association | Carroll |
Elkton Alliance Inc. | Cecil |
Cambridge Main Street | Dorchester |
Brunswick Main Street | Frederick |
Downtown Frederick Partnership | Frederick |
Main Street Middletown | Frederick |
Town of Oakland | Garrett |
C.A.T. Club (Citizens Against Trash) | Harford |
University of Maryland Harford Extension – Family & Consumer Sciences, Master Gardener | Harford |
Ellicott City Partnership | Howard |
Patapsco Heritage Greenway | Howard |
Main Street Historic Chestertown | Kent |
Montgomery Parks Foundation | Montgomery |
Old Takoma Business Association | Montgomery |
Alice Ferguson Foundation | Prince George’s |
City of Greenbelt’s Department of Public Works | Prince George’s |
Kent Island Beach Cleanups | Queen Anne’s |
City of Hagerstown | Washington |
Town of Hancock | Washington |
Town of Williamsport | Washington |
Art League of Ocean City | Worcester |

Parks & People Foundation’s paid internship program, Branches, received a grant for its work engaging low-income high school students in cleaning neighborhoods, creating green spaces and maintaining parks.