Heather Davis, 34, of St. Leonard
On Tuesday, May 16, 2017, at approximately 3:00 p.m., Deputy T. Rzepkowski of the Calvert County Sheriff’s Office responded to a check welfare call on several persons passed out inside of a vehicle that was parked at the Park Place Medical Building, in Prince Frederick.
Upon investigating Heather Davis, 34, of St. Leonard, was found to be in possession of an orange prescription bottle with no label. Inside of the prescription bottle was two different kinds of pills, seven (7) Oxycodone and fourteen (14) Methadone.
Davis was charged and arrested for two (2) counts of Possession of a Synthetic Narcotic (Oxycontin and Methadone).

Heather Davis, 34, of St. Leonard

Heather Davis, 34, of St. Leonard