The Patuxent Partnership (TPP) has named Raytheon as the 2016 Member of the Year. The announcement was made at TPP’s May 23rd Annual Dinner to a sold out crowd of 300 members and guests.
“The Patuxent Partnership is fortunate that its member companies are active and engaged in our community. Yet there are companies that stand out in their commitment to the work at Pax River, support of STEM programs, and overall support of our community. The TPP Member of the Year has demonstrated outstanding performance, shown extraordinary support of the TPP mission, and gone above and beyond in their actions. Raytheon has done just that, from STEM-ING to EW demonstrations, robotics and science fairs, Raytheon has been actively engaged in our community. We are honored to name Raytheon as the TPP Member of the Year” said Bonnie Green, Executive Director of The Patuxent Partnership.
Raytheon’s corporate philosophy and values directly align with TPP’s strategic goals; from teaming with industry and academia to support the mission at Pax River to advancing STEM education and workforce development, Raytheon remains a valuable leader in the community.
Raytheon has been an active sponsor for numerous educational and charitable programs and encourages their employees to “give back.” Their investment in the next generation and future workforce remains a recognized priority and company goal and is evident through the many STEM Education Outreach programs they support in our local area. From STEM Expo to Robotics and Rocketry, Raytheon has been a proactive partner with the county’s school system and community partners.
In addition to the many educational initiatives, Raytheon is also a proud sponsor of numerous Veteran programs across the country. Locally, they have provided considerable support to programs such as Operation Tohidu, Warrior Refuge and many smaller community outreach programs designed to provide veterans with housing, employment and other basic needs.
Roger Budd, Raytheon Patuxent River Field Office Site Lead, affirms, “We are honored to have received the Member of the Year award. Raytheon understands the importance of the community on the overall performance of NAVAIR associate products. We believe being an integral part of the local community is the best way we can give back. Teaming with our industry partners as well as with the academic community will bring the best and brightest ideas to bear.” Budd went on to say “We also recognize the value of overall community education and investing in the next generation of engineers and scientists. We remain committed to maintaining a strong technological base for our warfighters and that often begins with the youngest of future leaders.”
Congratulations to Raytheon for receiving TPP’s 2016 Member of the Year award.
The Patuxent Partnership works with government, industry and academia on initiatives in science and technology, hosts programs of interest to NAVAIR and the broader DoD community, supports workforce development including education initiatives and professional development. Visit

Roger Budd (Raytheon) in center receives TPP Member of the Year Award from Ajay Sehgal (TPP Board of Director VP) on left, and Bonnie Green (TPP’s Executive Director) on right