Tiki Bar Owner Fires Employees and Apologizes for Memorial Day Weekend Incident

June 2, 2017

The following was posted on the Tiki Bar Facebook page:

To all veterans, active or retired, I was deeply saddened by the post that Tiki security asked patrons to remove any military affiliated motorcycle attire, especially on Memorial Day Weekend when it’s our turn to show special thanks to those who have served. It is not the policy of the Tiki Bar, but a failure of management to follow the policies of the Tiki Bar for the past 37 years. As the owner, I was not present, but undergoing surgery and truly sorry I was not there to correct this issue. You would be hard pressed to find anyone that loves this country and appreciates the military for their service more than I do!
The corrective measures have been implemented and are as follows: The general manager and the responsible security member have been fired. All staff will be retrained immediately to understand when honor and respect is due.

The Owner