On Thursday, June 8, 2017, Criminal Secretary Michelle Roberts, Lieutenant White and First Sergeant Trossbach stumbled across their green thumbs and spent the day gardening and ensuring the Leonardtown Barrack exterior appearance catches the attention of our community!
When asked what prompted the desire to beautify the exterior of the Leonardtown Barrack, Roberts stated, “When I worked at the [Leonardtown] Barrack from 1988-1997 there was nothing planted there, so I asked [then] Lieutenant Potts if I could plant some azaleas and I did. Two of them are still living but as you can see it was looking bare and pitiful. I already had a vision of what I wanted in there to stay with the [Maryland] State colors of red, yellow, white, and black. So I have ‘old’ roots there from working and planting and now I have new ‘roots’ because I’m back home until retirement!”
If any of our followers are traveling on Hollywood Road (MD Route 245) make sure you check out the new gardening in front of our Barrack!
Be sure to let us know what you think so the work of Roberts, LT White and F/SGT Trossbach doesn’t go unnoticed! It’s the little things!