A Maryland state trooper is hospitalized for injuries he sustained early this morning when his marked patrol vehicle was struck by an alleged impaired driver, while the trooper was attempting to pull over a vehicle for a traffic violation in Prince George’s County.
The trooper is identified as Trooper Kamil Koziol, who is assigned to road patrol duties at the Forestville Barrack. He was injured and taken to Doctors Community Hospital for treatment and released.
The driver involved is identified as Andrew John Mitchell, 31, of New Carrollton. He was arrested for driving under the influence. Mitchell was transported to Doctors Community Hospital for precautionary reasons and was treated and released.
Just before 1:02 a.m., on July 9, 2017, Trooper Koziol was conducting a traffic stop on the Outer Loop of I-495 South of Rt. 450 (Annapolis Rd). While Trooper Koziol was traveling in the far right lane of travel pulling over a passenger vehicle for a traffic violation, he slowed his patrol vehicle down in order to pull onto the right shoulder of I-495 as his emergency lights were activated.
Mitchell who was operating his Dodge Ram pickup truck, struck the rear of Trooper Koziol’s marked patrol vehicle in the far right lane of travel, while the marked patrol vehicle and Dodge Ram were in motion. Troopers and emergency medical personnel responded to the scene. Trooper Koziol was transported to the hospital by Prince George’s County Fire Department personnel.
Troopers investigating the crash noticed Mitchell exhibiting signs of being under the influence. Further investigation led to his arrest. Mitchell was charged with traffic related offenses and taken before a PG County Court Commissioner for a bail review.