Maryland state troopers are teaming up with the Maryland Vehicle Prevention Theft Council to remind citizens that a vehicle is stolen in our state every 40 minutes, but there are simple steps every vehicle owner can take to reduce their chances of becoming a victim.
July is Vehicle Theft Prevention Month and, according to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, the most car thefts are reported in the summer. According to the Maryland Vehicle Theft Prevention Council, vehicle owners often make it easy for car thieves. Maryland statistics show:
- Sixty percent of stolen vehicles were left unlocked;
- More than 66 percent of vehicle thefts happened at night;
- Ninety-five percent of stolen vehicles had no anti-theft devices;
- Half of reported stolen vehicles had the keys left inside the vehicle.
In 2015, nearly three-quarters of a million vehicles were stolen in the United States- that’s a vehicle stolen every 45 seconds. Vehicle theft is a billion-dollar crime, with the cost of stolen vehicles coming in at more than $5 billion in 2015.
Here are some tips for keeping your vehicle safe:
- Close your windows and lock your doors every time you park;
- Park in well-lit areas;
- Do not leave your vehicle running unattended;
- Do not leave your keys in your vehicle;
- Do not leave valuables in your vehicle, especially where they can be seen;
- If possible, keep your car in your garage;
- Use an anti-theft device.
Remember to do your part in preventing vehicle theft. Always lock your car and take your keys.
For more information on how to prevent vehicle theft, visit the Maryland Vehicle Theft Prevention Council website