Shubrooks shot at the victim, he asked Miles, “did I get him?”.

Sheila Lisa Miles, 44, of Lexington Park
On September 5, 2017, St. Mary’s County Sheriff’s Office patrol deputies responded to St. Mary’s Square, located at 21600 Great Mills Road in Lexington Park, for the report of an attempted shooting in the parking lot. Officers made contact with an adult victim who was not injured from the shooting. The investigation was continued by detectives from the Criminal Investigations Division (CID).
The investigation revealed the victim encountered Devonte Arnez Shubrooks, age 24, of no fixed address, in the area of the businesses on a nearby sidewalk. The victim and Shubrooks became engaged in a heated argument. During the argument, Shubrooks got inside of a vehicle, and as the vehicle was leaving the area, Shubrooks began shooting at the victim while he was standing on the sidewalk. The victim was not shot and contacted the police for further assistance.
The victim confirmed he was familiar with Devonte Shubrooks due to past issues. The victim was also able to identify the driver of the getaway vehicle as the Shubrooks’s mother, Sheila Lisa Miles, 44, of Lexington Park.
Miles was located in a parking lot in St. Injgoes, inside a the SUV described by the victim, and was transported to the sheriff’s office for an interview.
Miles confirmed she picked up Shubrooks from the incident location during the time frame provided by the victim. She also confirmed at the time Shubrooks was in her vehicle, he began shooting at an unknown person while traveling on Great Mills Road. After Shubrooks shot at the victim, he asked Miles, “did I get him?”. Miles said she dropped Shubrooks off at a nearby business.
At no time did the Miles make any attempt to contact the police to report the matter despite claiming she had no idea of who Shubrooks was shooting at or the fact he was in possession of a firearm.
Devonte Arnez Shubrooks was located on Wednesday, September 6, 2017, and is in the custody of detectives.

Sheila Lisa Miles, 44, of Lexington Park