North Carolina Sex Offender to be Charged After Entering High Schools in Southern Maryland

October 18, 2017

On Monday, October 02, 2017, Detective R. Williams, of the Charles County Sheriff’s Office, received information from an anonymous tip that Christopher Daniel Lee, 52, of Salemburg, North Carolina, was a registered Sex Offender in the Stale of North Carolina.

The tip further stated that Lee had been seen at a High School band function, on Saturday, September 23, 2017, at Thomas Stone High School, in Charles County, and also at Chopticon High School, in St. Mary’s County. Further investigation revealed the defendant was a convicted, Sex Offender in the State of North Carolina.

On February 16, 2015, the defendant was convicted of Sexual Battery-Attempted, of a minor in North Carolina. Because of his conviction he was required to register as a Sex Offender for a term of ten years. Documents forwarded to the Charles County Sheriff’s Office by the State of North Carolina indicate Lee last re-registered on August 21, 2017. at the Sampson County Sheriff’s Office. in North Carolina.

During his re-registration session Lee signed for and acknowledged he understood his registration requirements, which included the following:

  • I understand that each state has its own registration laws.
  • I understand I may have an obligation to register in other slates I enter.
  • I understand it is my obligation to know the law of each state I enter.
  • I should contact each state before entering to ensure compliance.
  • I understand that I am prohibited from working, conducting any activity or volunteering at any place where a minor is present and my responsibilities or activities would include instruction or supervision. or care of a minor or minors.
  • I notify the principal of the school of their registration and their presence (upon arrival and departure) at the school

On October 02, 2017, police met with officials at Thomas Stone High School, and obtained a student print out of  relative of Lee who is currently enrolled at the School.

On October 03, 2017, police revisited Thomas Stone High School and spoke to a Band Teacher who was able to positively identity Lee as the man who assisted with band preparation at the school. The teacher stated that after the school buses departed the defendant followed the buses to Chopticon High School, in St. Mary’s County, where he also entered onto school property and participated in band festivities.

By knowingly entering onto public school property Lee is in violation of Maryland Sex Offender Registration Laws.

On October 11, 2017, 2017, a criminal summons was issued for Lee, for entering a restricted location by a sex offender.

A preliminary hearing is set for November 13, 2017, in Charles County District Court.