Tony Reynolds, 46, of Chesapeake Beach
On October 8, 2017 at approximately 9:45 p.m., Deputy Livingston of the Calvert County Sheriff’s Office was working part time security at Abner’s Crab House in Chesapeake Beach and was made aware of a disorderly subject near the bar.
Deputy Livingston observed the male, later identified as Tony Reynolds, 46, of Chesapeake Beach, walking out of the bar to the front parking lot.
An employee told the deputy, “Tony was getting into it with a customer”. Another witness told police that Reynolds smacked a customer on his back and when the man advised him to not touch him again, Reynolds poured his beer on the customer. A brief struggle occurred which was eventually broken up by other customers.
According to court documents, the deputy walked outside and advised Reynolds that he was not to return to the bar that night and to go home for the evening. Reynolds became extremely agitated and stated he wasn’t leaving until he cashed his ticket. Police advised Reynolds to give his ticket to his girlfriend and let her cash it, Reynolds stated he wasn’t leaving the property until he got his money. Police advised Reynolds numerous times to leave the property and walk over to the side walk which was across the street. Reynolds began stating “this is bulls##t”. Reynolds pointed at the deputy from a distance and stated, “this is fu##ing bulls##t”. Police advised Reynolds again to leave the property or he would go to jail. Reynolds walked over to the middle of the street and began screaming “this is bulls##t”. Police said they advised Reynolds to leave the area over 20 times, Reynolds stated he was leaving and stuck out his right hand for the deputy to shake his hand. The deputy advised Reynolds that I wasn’t shaking his hand and to again leave the area. Police said Reynolds was told three more times to leave the area but ignored their requests and stood with his right hand out. Deputy Livingston advised Reynolds he was under arrest and grabbed him by his right hand in an attempt to place him in handcuffs. Reynolds pulled away from the deputy and a brief struggle occurred. The deputy attempted to place Reynolds on the side of his police vehicle by grabbing his left wrist at which time Reynolds stiffened his arms deterring the deputy from being able to place his arms behind his back. Reynolds then turned towards the deputy, at which time he grabbed around his head area with his hands and struck Reynolds with a knee to the midsection of his body causing Reynolds to bend over. The entire time during the struggle, the deputy advised Reynolds to get on the ground. After the initial knee strike, the deputy grabbed Reynolds around his head area holding him tightly and advising him to get to the ground. Reynolds again failed to comply, and the deputy was able to use a leg sweep and place Reynolds on the ground and subsequently place him in handcuffs.
During the struggle, Reynolds received a minor cut to his nose. Medics were called to the scene to treat Reynolds for his injuries, Reynolds refused to go to the hospital, and was taken to the Calvert County Detention Center where he was charged with Disorderly Conduct, Intoxicated Public Disturbance, Fail Obey Reasonable/Lawful order of Law Enforcement Officer, and Resist/Interfere with Arrest.

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