John W. Proper, 64 of St. Leonard
UPDATE 12/20/2017: On Monday, December 11, 2017, at approximately 2:35 p.m., Trooper First Class Costello and Trooper Keyser from the Maryland State Police Prince Frederick Barrack stopped a silver Dodge Charger on Route 4 in Prince Frederick for traffic violations.
Tpr. Keyser approached the vehicle from the driver’s side and made contact with the driver through the now open driver’s side window. Tpr. Keyser identified himself and the reasons for the stop.
The driver was identified by his Maryland driver’s license as John W. Proper, 64 of St. Leonard.
Proper displayed a badge to Tpr. Keyser and stated “does this help?” TFC Costello asked Proper if he was a Police Officer and he advised he was a “Maryland State Trooper.” TFC Costello then asked Proper if he had his credentials and he advised he did, and he displayed a Maryland State Police Inauguration badge dated “2001.” The troopers asked Proper if he had his Police credentials and photo identification. Proper advised he “left it at home” and showed them a business card with the Maryland State Police shield that displayed, “State Trooper” and his name, “J.W. Proper Trooper First Class” and, “ID 260T”. Police asked Proper if he was “armed” and he stated “yes” and advised he was carrying a pistol, tapped his right hand on his center console, and stated, “It’s in here.” Police returned to their vehicle to verify Proper’s Police credentials yielding negative results. They confirmed that Proper was not authorized to carry a fire arm, and was previously a State Trooper but resigned on May 07, 2007 prior to the adjudication of any administrative charges. Police screened this case through the Maryland Gun Center and they advised Proper is not prohibited from possessing a firearm but is not authorized to carry it on or about his person. Police inspected the handgun and observed it was a 9mm Beretta 92F. The Beretta·was loaded with a full magazine of 15, 9mm hollow point rounds with one round chambered. The safety was in the “on” position and the firearm was stored in the center console without a holster.
The following items were seized from Proper, and the vehicle:
1) One (1) MSP Trooper 1/C Inauguration Badge #117.
2) One (1) black 9mm Beretta Model 92F handgun with a 4.9 inch barrel, with imprint “Maryland State Police”. (loaded) Located in the center console.
3) One (1) 15 round capacity 9mm pistol magazine containing 15 9mm hollow point rounds that was loaded in the pistol.
4) Two: (2) 15 round capacity 9mm pistol magazines containing 15 9mm hollow point rounds.
5) Two (2) 20 round capacity 9mm pistol magazines. One containing 20 9mm hollow point rounds, and one containing 10 9mm hollow point rounds. Located in the center console.
6) One (1) black tactical vest marked with “Trooper” containing P.A.C.A. Protection Body Armor. Model: 221 D. Serial#: R0064785, Lot #94763/9671 BA. Located in the vehicle trunk.
7) One (1) Mossberg M590 12 gauge shotgun. Model#: M590A1. (Loaded) Located in the vehicle trunk.
8) Four (4) 12 gauge shotgun shells. Federal Maximum H-Shok slug. Loaded in the shotgun.
9) Three (3) 12 gauge shotgun shells. Winchester Super:-X 00 buck. Loaded in the shotgun.
10) Two (2) 12 gauge shotgun shells, 00 buck. Loaded in the shotgun.
11) One MSP issued medical bag, containing various medical supplies. Located in the vehicle trunk.
12) One (1) MSP MEDEVAC team hat. Located in the vehicle trunk.
13) Two wind breaker jackets with displayed Maryland State Police badge/markings. Located in the vehicle trunk.
14) One (1} black leather wallet with MSP shield containing MSP MEB certification, and misc cards. Located in Proper’s pocket.
15) One (1) set Peerless handcuffs, Model 301. Located in the tactical vest in the vehicle’s trunk.
16) One (1) set Peerless handcuffs, Model 301. Located in the tactical vest in the vehicle’s trunk.
17) Three (3) handcuff keys.
18) Six (6) business cards displaying “State Trooper” .”J.W. Proper Trooper First Class” and “ID 2607”
19) One Samsung Galaxy S7 cellular telephone, Seized from Proper’s pocket.
During the search police observed several loose wire connections in the vehicle and emergency lights. Proper advised the lights were “disconnected” but were red/blue flashing lights and the vehicle used to be a Police Vehicle. Police observed a spot light in the vehicle as well as a can of pepper spray. Proper’s vehicle was equipped and organized like a Police Vehicle. Proper had two German Shepard dogs in the vehicle as well.
Police read Proper his advice of Miranda rights on scene and Proper advised he did not want to waive his rights and speak to them without a lawyer.
Proper was polite and cooperative, and placed under arrest for the following charges:
12/19/2017: On Monday, December 11, 2017, at approximately 3:15 p.m., Trooper First Class Costello and Trooper Keyser from the Maryland State Police Prince Frederick Barrack stopped a vehicle on Route 4 in Prince Frederick for traffic violations.
John W. Proper, 64 of St. Leonard, identified himself as a Maryland State Trooper. He was unable to show MSP Credentials and through investigation it was determined that Proper was impersonating a police officer.
A search incident to the arrest revealed a loaded handgun was located in the vehicle.
Proper was arrested and incarcerated at the Calvert County Detention Center.

John W. Proper, 64 of St. Leonard