Alabama Man Arrested for Disorderly Conduct at Buckets Sports Bar in Lusby

January 2, 2018
Josh R. Manuel, 31 of Alabama

Josh R. Manuel, 31 of Alabama

On Tuesday, December 26, 2017, at approximately 10:15 p.m., Trooper First Class T. Davis from the Maryland State Police Prince Frederick Barrack responded to Buckets Sports Bar in Lusby for a patron becoming disorderly.

Upon arrival, Josh R. Manuel, 31 of Alabama, was observed leaving the establishment and walking toward the woods. Upon observing TFC Davis, the subject jumped over a fence and began to run. He was pursued and when caught became extremely aggressive resisting arrest. While restraining Manuel, he struck TFC Davis in the face with his elbow.

Manuel was incarcerated at the Calvert County Detention Center. He was charged with assault of a police officer, disorderly conduct, failure to obey a lawful order and public intoxication.

Josh R. Manuel, 31 of Alabama

Josh R. Manuel, 31 of Alabama