Due to anticipated inclement weather this afternoon, including the strong possibility of freezing rain, all Charles County public schools are closing two-hours early today, Monday, Jan. 8, 2018. Schools will dismiss students two hours earlier than the standard afternoon dismissal times.
There will be no bus pick up for afternoon prekindergarten students, and all morning prekindergarten students will be served lunch and dismissed with the rest of their school. Check page 33 of the Charles County Public Schools (CCPS) Parent/Handbook Calendar for a list of school closing times.
With an inclement weather early closure, all afternoon and evening activities are canceled. This includes any afterschool and evening programs operated by outside organizations.
The AlphaBEST afterschool care program will operate for three hours after the early dismissal time, or until the last child is picked up for the day.
CCPS posts updated cancelation and school closing information on the school system website, www.ccboe.com, on the 24-hour information line, 301-934-7410/301-932-6656, and on Facebook and Twitter. Parents and staff also receive email messages from the CCPS notification system.
Parents and staff can sign up for text message notification through the CCPS notification system. Text Y or YES to 675-87 to sign up. Standard text messages rates apply. Only parents and staff are able to use this feature. Community members can sign up for CCPS email and text message alerts through the Citizen Notification System. Visit http://www.charlescountymd.gov/CNS to register.