Heather Garner, 29, of Hollywood
On March 8, 2018, Deputy W. Forinash of the St. Mary’s County Sheriff’s office responded to Lawrence Hayden Road in Hollywood to check on Heather Garner, 29, of Hollywood.
The check was conducted due to Garner not reporting for her pre scheduled Court ordered urinalysis test on March 6, and her personal GPS tracking unit appearing to be on the charger from March 6, 2018 through March 8, 2018.
Officers made entry into the residence and noticed the defendant was not there. A female at the residence stated she had not seen Garner at the residence for a few days. Garner’s pre-trial supervisor sent a ping and vibration notification to the personal tracking unit. The personal tracking unit was then located under several blankets and tennis shoes in the residence. The unit was still connected to the charger and there was a greasy substance smeared on the band.
Garner’s pre-trial supervisor completed and issued a retake warrant for Garner. Garner violated the conditions of her Level Three pretrial release by removing her personal tracking unit from her ankle. Garner also violated the conditions of her pretrial release by not showing up for her mandatory urinalysis testing.
On March 11, 2018 , Garner was found in Lexington Park, placed under arrest and transported to the St. Mary’s County Detention and Rehabilitation Center.

Heather Garner, 29, of Hollywood

Heather Garner, of Hollywood

Heather Garner, of Hollywood

Heather Garner, of Hollywood

Heather Garner, of Hollywood