Paul Daniel Panholzer, age 34, of no fixed address
Paul Daniel Panholzer, age 34, of no fixed address, is currently wanted for a violation involving his sex offender registry status.
Panholzer is a Tier III registered sex offender, which means he is a lifetime registrant. Panholzer has brown hair, brown eyes, and is 6’1” in height and weighs 180 lbs.
Anyone with information on the whereabouts of Paul Daniel Panholzer is asked to contact Detective Melissa Hulse at (301) 475-4200 extension *1996, or by email at [email protected].
Citizens may remain anonymous and contact Crime Solvers at (301) 475-3333, or text a tip to “TIP239” plus their message to “CRIMES” (274637). Through the Crime Solvers Program tipsters are eligible for an award of up to $1,000 for information about a crime in St. Mary’s County that leads to an arrest or indictment.

Paul Daniel Panholzer, age 34, of no fixed address