On Saturday May 5, 2018, Troopers from the La Plata & Prince Frederick Barracks, Charles County Sheriff’s Office, La Plata Police Department, and the Maryland Transportation Authority Police participated in a DUI Checkpoint on RT 6 at East Patuxent Drive, in La Plata.
The checkpoint was in remembrance of Taylor Anne Halbleib who was the victim of a fatal DUI collision in December of 2017 on Rt. 6.
Halbleib’s family and the Maryland chapter of Mothers Against Drunk Driving (MADD) were also on location to represent victims of DUI collisions.
During this operation a total of 725 vehicle operators were contacted resulting in three subjects given field sobriety and one arrested for driving under the influence.
At the conclusion of the checkpoint all of the troopers/officers conducted a saturation patrol within Charles County.