The following is a sample of recent arrests, crimes and investigations handled by the Calvert County Sheriff’s Office.
![]() Matthew Adam Ward (31) On June 26, 2018 Deputy Gott conducted a traffic stop in the area of Grays Road and Cypress Swamp. He made contact with the driver, Matthew Adam Ward (31), and the passenger, Julia Dee Ward (32). The driver was issued paperwork for driving with no insurance and driving on a suspended registration. Matthew exited the vehicle and showed Deputy Gott a transdermal Fentanyl patch on his chest. ![]() Julia Dee Ward (32) A search of Matthew’s person revealed a plastic bag filled with controlled medication that he did not have prescriptions for. While searching the vehicle, the passenger’s purse was located which contained a prescription bottle of Vyvanse that was not prescribed to her. Both subjects were placed under arrest and transported to the Calvert County Detention Center where they were charged with CDS: Possession-Not Marijuana. |
![]() Devin Michael Gaffney (33) On June 30, 2018 Deputy Hardesty responded to the Thomas Johnson Bridge in Solomons for the report of a subject walking across the bridge. Deputy Deleon exited his cruiser and made contact with the subject, later identified by his driver’s license as Devin Michael Gaffney (33), at the top of the bridge. Deputy Hardesty detained the subject and placed him in his cruiser to safely get him off the bridge. Gaffney had a strong odor of an alcoholic beverage emitting from his person. He remained quiet and refused to answer any questions, therefore he was arrested for Intoxicated Endangerment. |
![]() Robert Rice (51) of Lusby On June 18, 2018 Deputy Bradley responded to the Fastop-Lusby for the report of a theft. Deputy Bradley made contact with the complainant who advised a male subject had just stole beer and a camouflage hat from the store. Deputy Bradley located the male subject later identified as Robert Rice (51) of Lusby who was extremely intoxicated. It was also determined that Rice had a no trespass warning issued for Fastop. Rice was placed under arrest and transported to the Calvert County Detention Center and charged with Trespass: Private Property and Theft Less than $100. |
![]() Stephen Smith (26) of Mechanicsville On June 22, 2018 Deputy Buckler responded to the area of Harbor Road, Chesapeake Beach for the report of a driver passed out behind the wheel. Deputy Buckler arrived on scene and located the vehicle with a male subject passed out behind the wheel of the running vehicle. In plain view Deputy Buckler located paraphernalia in the vehicle. The male subject later identified as Stephen Smith (26) of Mechanicsville was woken up and asked to step out of the vehicle for a search to be conducted. The search resulted in paraphernalia and narcotics. Smith was placed under arrest and transported to the Calvert County Detention Center and charged with CDS: Possession-Not Marijuana (Heroin). |
![]() Steven Kartney Smith (29) On July 2, 2018 Deputy Rediker responded to Mandela Court, Port Republic in regards to a suspicious vehicle/person. He made contact with the suspect, Steven Kartney Smith (29), who was smoking marijuana. A search of Smith’s person revealed a baggie of marijuana, a blue pill wrapped in plastic, brass knuckles, and two cut straws with CDS residue. Emergency Communications advised the suspect had an open warrant through Baltimore County. Smith was placed under arrest and transported to the Calvert County Detention Center where he was charged with CDS: Possession of Paraphernalia, CDS: Possession-Not Marijuana and Concealing a Dangerous Weapon. |
![]() Sean Michael Tettimer (25) On July 7, 2018 Deputy Ridgely responded to Well St, Huntingtown for the report of a vehicle theft. The victim advised she bought a 2010 Mercury Milan for her grandson, Sean Michael Tettimer (25). Tettimer advised he gave the vehicle to one of his friends for the day for $200, but did not know the friend’s name. Deputy Ridgely noticed a cut straw on the floor, and Sean advised he snorts Fentanyl. The CDS was packaged and transported to the Calvert County Sheriff’s Office. Tettimer was transported to the Calvert County Detention Center and charged with Theft: $1,500 to Under $25,000, CDS: Possession-Not Marijuana and CDS: Possession of Paraphernalia. |
![]() Nichole Hobar (37) On July 7, 2018 Deputy R. Shrawder conducted a traffic stop at HG Trueman Road and Route 4. The driver, Nichole Hobar (37), was shaky and her speech was slurred, therefore, she was asked to exit the vehicle for a field sobriety test. Inside the vehicle, numerous pill bottles were discovered as well as three cell phones and a large amount of cash. Hobar was placed under arrest and transported to the Calvert County Detention Center where she was charged with CDS Possession with Intent to Distribute. |
![]() Theresa Lyn Schneider (54) On July 18, 2018 Deputy Lorenzano responded to Juniper Lane, Huntingtown for the report of an assault. The suspect, Theresa Lyn Schneider (54), entered the residence through the back door without permission, assaulted the complainant and damaged property inside the residence. The entire time the officers were on scene Schneider was yelling, verbally aggressive and uncooperative. She was placed under arrest and transported to the Calvert County Detention Center where she was charged with First Degree Burglary and Second Degree Assault. |
![]() Robert Baldwin (36) On July 18, 2018 Deputy O’Donnell responded to Lake View Drive, Lusby for the report of a house alarm. Upon his arrival he heard sticks and branches breaking behind the residence as if someone was running into the woods. He also noticed damage to the back screen door and a security camera on the ground that had been taken down off the house. Deputy O’Donnell observed a male, later identified as Robert Baldwin (36), who initially followed commands, but then stood up and ran away towards the water. Baldwin jumped in Lake Charming and swam away from the officers. Deputy R. Evans, Deputy Ostazeski, Trooper McCombs and Trooper Palumbo entered the water and were able to get Baldwin into custody. Baldwin was placed under arrest and transported to the Calvert County Detention Center where he was charged with First Degree Burglary, Third Degree Burglary, Fourth Degree Burglary, Assault: Second Degree, Resisting Arrest and Failure to Obey Reasonable/Lawful Order of Law Enforcement Officer. |
![]() Brandon Ryan Harris (19) On July 18, 2018 Deputy Gott conducted a traffic stop in the area of Route 4 and Patuxent Point Parkway, Solomons. Emergency Communications advised Deputy Gott that one of the passengers, Brandon Ryan Harris (19), had an active warrant through St. Mary’s County. Harris was asked to exit the vehicle when Deputy Gott observed a metal grinder with suspected marijuana between the seat and door jam. Harris admitted it was his grinder. ![]() Ryan Andrew Murray (32) A search of the vehicle revealed a Walmart bag tucked under the passenger seat with 9 unused hypodermic syringes and one used syringe containing suspected heroin residue. The second passenger, Ryan Andrew Murray (32), admitted to the syringes being his. Harris and Murray were placed under arrest and transported to the Calvert County Detention Center. Harris was served his warrant and Murray was charged with CDS: Administer Equipment-Possession/Distribute. |
![]() Denzel Christopher Williams (22), On July 19, 2018 Deputy Y. Bortchevsky conducted a traffic stop in the area of E Chesapeake Beach Road and St. Andrew’s Drive, Chesapeake Beach. A search of the vehicle was conducted. A black bag that belonged to one of the passengers, Denzel Christopher Williams (22), contained his wallet, a plastic baggie with approximately 19.6 grams of suspected marijuana, a digital scale and a metal grinder with suspected marijuana residue. Williams was placed under arrest and transported to the Calvert County Detention Center where he was charged with CDS: Possession of Marijuana>10 Grams. |
![]() John Lee Baxter II (37) On July 20, 2018 Deputy Sampson conducted a traffic stop in the area of Route 4 at Thomas Hance Excavating, Prince Frederick. While making contact with the driver, John Lee Baxter II (37), TFC Harrod noticed a plastic baggie of pills sitting in the center console of the vehicle. A search of the vehicle revealed syringes, a metal spoon, multiple cotton swabs with suspected heroin residue, a blue elastic band, and 2 suspected Zubsolv pills. Baxter was placed under arrest and transported to the Calvert County Detention Center. Once at the jail, a search of Baxter’s person revealed a plastic baggie of suspected heroin. Baxter was charged with CDS: Possession-Not Marijuana, CDS: Possession of Paraphernalia, and Possessing or Receiving CDS While Confined. |
![]() Robin Suggs (32) On July 22, 2018 Deputy Yates responded to Clubhouse Drive, Lusby for the report of damaged property. The complainant advised his neighbor’s girlfriend, Robin Suggs (32), punched through the glass of his bedroom window. Deputy Yates made contact with Suggs who advised she did in fact punch his window because they refused to return her phone to her. Suggs was placed under arrest and transported to the Calvert County Detention Center where she was charged with Malicious Destruction of Property-Less Than $1,000. |
![]() Eric Carr (25) On July 22, 2018 Deputy Flynt responded to Boyds Trail, Owings for the report of a trespasser. Eric Carr (25) was found laying in the bed of one of the bedrooms in the residence. In the room Deputy Flynt observed six hypodermic syringes, a silver spoon with small pieces of cotton and a glass smoking device. Carr was placed under arrest and transported to the Calvert County Detention Center where he was charged with CDS: Possession of Paraphernalia and CDS: Administer Equipment-Possession/Distribute. |
![]() Justin Garrett McLean (31) On July 23, 2018 Deputy Sampson conducted a traffic stop in the area of Rousby Hall Road and Barreda Drive, Lusby. While making contact with the passenger, later identified as Justin Garrett McLean (31), Deputy Sampson noticed a pill bottle tucked between his legs. A search of his person resulted in another empty pill bottle in his front pocket and $483. A search of the vehicle revealed a cut straw with suspected CDS residue, another straw still in the protective sleeve, and a green pill container with residue from suspected pills. McLean was transported to the Calvert County Detention Center and charged with CDS: Possession-Not Marijuana, CDS: Possession of Paraphernalia and CDS: Possession with Intent to Distribute Narcotics. |
![]() Victor Scottland (29) On July 23, 2018 Deputy Deleon responded to the area of Planters Wharf Road and Saw Mill Road for the report of damaged property. Upon his arrival he observed two individuals seated inside of a vehicle. A search of the vehicle resulted in a cut straw with white powdery residue in the center console as well as a credit card with a different name on it than the officer was given. Emergency Communications advised that the male passenger, Victor Scottland (29), had two warrants for his arrest. Scottland was placed under arrest and transported to the Calvert County Detention Center where he was charged with CDS: Possession of Paraphernalia, Providing a False Statement to a Police Officer, Obstruction and Hindering, as well as his two active warrants. |
![]() Tyrone Corde Claggett (31) On July 23, 2018 Deputy Pounsberry conducted a traffic stop on E Chesapeake Beach Road and Limerick Lane, Owings. The driver gave his name and date of birth but said he did not have his license on him. Emergency Communications provided Deputy Pounsberry with a photo of the given name which did not match the driver of the vehicle. The driver then identified himself as Tyrone Corde Claggett (31) and stated he in fact did not have a valid driver’s license. A search of the vehicle revealed a folded piece of paper with a white powder substance inside of it. Claggett was placed under arrest and transported to the Calvert County Detention Center where he was charged with CDS: Possession-Not Marijuana, Providing a False Statement to a Police Officer and Driving Without a License. |
![]() Robert Allen Rice (51) On July 25, 2018 Deputy Holt responded to the Exxon in Lusby for the report of a theft. The complainant advised Robert Allen Rice (51) attempted to steal a bottle of Jim Beam Red Stag but was stopped by another customer. The owner of the property asked that Rice be banned from the property because this was not the first incident with him. The owner of Lusby Liquors contacted Deputy Holt and advised him that Rice had attempted to steal from his business multiple times as well. Rice was transported to the Calvert County Detention Center where he was charged with Theft and issued trespass warnings for both the Lusby Exxon and Lusby Liquors. |
![]() Lorin Megan Somers On July 26, 2018 Deputy Idol conducted a traffic stop in the area of Walmart in Prince Frederick. Deputy Ridgely assisted with the stop. A search of the vehicle resulted in 14 Suboxone strips in a purse that belonged to Lorin Megan Somers (34). Somers was placed under arrest and transported to the Calvert County Detention Center where she was charged with CDS: Possession-Not Marijuana. |
![]() Tavaughn Anthony Weeks (25) On July 27, 2018 Deputy Kreps responded to Serenity Court, Prince Frederick in reference to a subject trespassing. Tavaughn Anthony Weeks (25) was asked to leave the property several times, but refused. Weeks was placed under arrest and transported to the Calvert County Detention Center where he was charged with Trespassing. |
![]() Robert Allen Rice (51) On July 27, 2018 Deputy Boerum was in the area of Fastop in Lusby when he noticed Robert Allen Rice (51) on the property. Rice is banned from that Fastop, therefore, he was placed under arrest and transported to the Calvert County Detention Center where he was charged with Trespassing. |
![]() Shanita Sherrelle Simms (31) On July 28, 2018 Deputy Rediker conducted a traffic stop in the area of the BB&T Bank in Prince Frederick. While speaking with the driver and passenger, Deputy Rediker noticed a strong odor of marijuana emitting from the vehicle. The passenger, Shanita Sherrelle Simms (31), stated she had marijuana in her fanny pack. A search of her fanny pack revealed a plastic bag with marijuana as well as a plastic bag containing a yellow powder substance which Simms advised was Molly. A search of the vehicle revealed a plastic tube with marijuana, another tube with THC oil, and a scale in the center console. Simms was placed under arrest and transported to the Calvert County Detention Center where she was charged with CDS: Possession-Not Marijuana and CDS: Possession-Marijuana 10+ Grams. |
![]() Charles William Hutchinson (33) On July 28, 2018 Deputy Rzepkowski responded to the Dunkirk Walmart in reference to a check welfare. Upon arrival, Deputy Rzepkowski noticed two females attempting to wake up a man, later identified as Charles William Hutchinson (33), who was passed out behind the wheel of a pickup truck. A search of the vehicle revealed a white folded up piece of paper which contained suspected heroin, a hypodermic needle and a clear bottle cap with a piece of cotton and residue. Hutchinson was transported to the Calvert County Detention Center and charged with CDS: Possession-Not Marijuana and CDS: Possession of Paraphernalia. |
![]() Michael Renteria (57) On July 28, 2018 Deputy Mohler responded to the Dash In gas station in Owings for the report of a disorderly subject. Upon his arrival, Deputy Mohler observed a vehicle parked diagonally in two parking spaces and the subject sitting on the curb in front of that vehicle. When asked his name, the subject gave a false first name and repeatedly stated he did not have a last name. After several minutes of the subject refusing to identify himself, he was placed under arrest. His driver’s license identified him as Michael Renteria (57). Renteria was transported to the Calvert County Detention Center and charged with Obstructing and Hindering as well as Resisting/Interfering with Arrest. |

Matthew Adam Ward (31)

Julia Dee Ward (32)

Michael Renteria (57)

Charles William Hutchinson (33)

Shanita Sherrelle Simms (31)

Tavaughn Anthony Weeks (25)

Lorin Megan Somers

Robert Allen Rice (51)

Tyrone Corde Claggett (31)

Victor Scottland (29)

Justin Garrett McLean (31)

Eric Carr (25)

Robin Suggs (32)

John Lee Baxter II (37)

Denzel Christopher Williams (22),

Brandon Ryan Harris (19)

Ryan Andrew Murray (32)

Robert Baldwin (36)

Theresa Lyn Schneider (54)

Nichole Hobar (37)

Sean Michael Tettimer (25)

Steven Kartney Smith (29)

Stephen Smith (26) of Mechanicsville

Robert Rice (51) of Lusby

Devin Michael Gaffney (33)