Hoyer Meets With Representatives From Maryland National Active and Retired Federal Employees Association

October 3, 2018

Congressman Steny H. Hoyer met with representatives from the Maryland chapter of the National Active and Retired Federal Employees Association (NARFE).

“Today, I was pleased to meet with members of the Maryland chapter of NARFE to express my gratitude for their service to our country and discuss some of the most important issues facing federal employees,” said Congressman Hoyer. “For the past two years, the Trump Administration and Republicans in Congress have repeatedly attacked the federal civilian workforce by undermining pay and benefits. These actions deter the most talented Americans from serving in the civil service and undermine the federal government’s ability to function efficiently and provide the American people with the services they expect.”

“I’m proud to stand together with NARFE members to fight against efforts to demean the service of civilian federal employees,” continued Congressman Hoyer. “Too few Americans realize how much federal employees do each day to keep our country safe and secure and to help working families get ahead. In Congress, I will continue to work with NARFE to protect the rights of the federal civilian workforce.”