Musa Raees Fann, 40 of Accokeek
On Tuesday, January 1, 2019 at approximately 4:45 p.m. while in the parking lot of the Charles County Sheriff Office, police observed Musa Raees Fann, 40 of Accokeek, having a verbal argument with a woman in her car.
Police approached the woman’s car and the was told that she wanted Fann out of her car. The woman told police that another friend of hers and Fann were on Indian Head Highway headed towards Waldorf and that she could smell PCP (Phencyclidine). The witness said that she told them to get out of her vehicle. When the friend got out of the vehicle, she handed Fann a purple surgical glove and Fann remained in the vehicle and refused to get out. Fann stated “F##k that, I’m not getting out.”
The witness said that approximately 15 minutes later Fann got out of the vehicle and walked away. The woman said that she pulled over and about 10 minutes later Fann came back to the vehicle and she could smell a stronger odor of PCP coming off of Fann.
During the course of the investigation, while talking to Fann, police could smell a strong chemical odor emitting from Fann. When police asked Fann if he had any drugs or firearms, Fann said “no”. At that time, the witness stated that Fann had PCP in his right pocket.
Fann started acting nervous by breathing heavy and constantly turning away. Fann was searched due to the strong chemical smell and his behavior. While searching Fann, police located a Newport cigarette that was wet and had a strong chemical smell. The cigarette fell to the ground while police were removing it from Fann’s pocket. Fann immediately stated that the cigarette wasn’t his and attempted to destroy it by stepping on it and grinding it into the ground.
Fann resisted arrest and attempted to pull away when officers stopped Fann from destroying the cigarette. A Field test of the cigarette was conducted and it tested positive for PCP. The estimated value of the dipped cigarette is $20. PCP users dip cigarettes into PCP and smoke them to get high. The dipped cigarette is called a dipper.
Fann was arrested and charged with failure to obey law enforcement officers, resist/interfere with arrest, CDS: possession not marijuana. He was released on January 2, 2019 on his own recognizance and is due in district court on February 19, 2019.

Musa Raees Fann, 40 of Accokeek