Aviation Day Event to be Held at Governmental Center on Tuesday, July 30

July 23, 2019

The Commissioners of Leonardtown invite the public to a special event recognizing National Aviation Day Tuesday, July 30, 2019, at 11:15 a.m., on the lawn of the governmental center located at 23115 Leonard Hall Drive in Leonardtown.

The event will feature multiple static aircraft displays including the Maryland State Police Trooper 7 helicopter. The University of Maryland UAS Test Site team will present an unmanned aerial demonstration and invites people to explore their unmanned mobile operations center which will be on-site for the duration of the event. There will be free balsa wood airplane kits available to children, courtesy of S. Hunt Aero, LLC.

Representatives from the University of Maryland, AIRtec and the St. Mary’s County Regional Airport will also be available to provide details on the different aircraft and answer questions relating to aviation.

National Aviation Day is celebrated annually August 19, 2019, President Franklin Roosevelt first proclaimed the day in 1939 to celebrate the history and development of the aviation industry in the United States.

For more information, contact the St. Mary’s County Government Public Information Office at 301-475-4200, extension 71342