The St. Mary’s County Museum Division is pleased to announce two new temporary exhibits entitled “Medical Bottles and Others of the 1800s” and the “Samuel Bailey Oyster Buy Boat Replica,” which will be available at the Piney Point Lighthouse Museum & Historic Park until September 23, 2019 and September 30, 2019, respectively.
The first exhibit features an array of medical bottles and the descriptions of the “medicines” provided by individuals like Lydia Pinkham, Dr. Jacob Fahrney and others used to treat their patients during the 1800s.
The second exhibit displays a replica of the Samuel Bailey Oyster Buy Boat, a local boat that would buy just-caught oysters from oyster tongers and transport them to distributors. Built by Ralph and Kim Lawrence, this model was constructed by hand using original tools.
The exhibits are available to visitors of the museum, which operates daily, 10 a.m. to 5 p.m.
For more information regarding these exhibits, please call the Piney Point Lighthouse Museum at 301-994-1471. For hours of operation, programs, admission prices and more, visit or on Twitter at @PineyPtLHMuseum.