St. Clement’s Island Museum and Piney Point Lighthouse Museum to Join Sites Nationwide in Tolling Bells in Remembrance of Those Who Were First Brought to English Colonies 400 Years ago
The bells at St. Clement’s Island Museum and Piney Point Lighthouse Museum, historic sites overseen by the St. Mary’s County Museum Division, will participate in a nationwide bell-ringing commemoration Sunday, August 25, 2019 at 3 p.m. to honor those who were among the first enslaved Africans to arrive in the English colonies in the New World 400 years ago.
The bells at each museum site, along with bells across the United States, will ring to remember the first enslaved Africans who landed in the English New World at Point Comfort, VA, in 1619. The bells will ring for four minutes, one minute for every 100 years.
The St. Mary’s County Museum Division was established by the Commissioners of St. Mary’s County to collect, preserve, research and interpret the historic sites and artifacts which illustrate the natural and cultural histories of St. Mary’s County and the Potomac River. With this as its charter, the Museum Division serves as a resource, liaison and community advocate for all St. Mary’s County public and private cultural assets.
For more information regarding hours of operation, programs, events, admission prices and more, visit the St. Mary’s County Museum Division’s social media pages on Facebook at or, or on Twitter at @StClemIsMuseum or @PineyPtLHMuseum, or at