On Thursday, November 21, 2019, at 7:00 p.m., in the Visitor Center Auditorium of Historic St. Mary’s City, dendrochronologist Michael Worthington will give a free, public lecture titled “Tree Ring Dating and Historic Structures: A Look at the Science of Dendrochronology.”
The science of dendrochronology, or tree-ring dating, has long been used to provide insight into many of America’s most famous buildings, from George Washington’s Mount Vernon to James Madison’s Montpelier, the birthplaces of John Adams and John Quincy Adams, and much of the town of Colonial Williamsburg. But did you know that pioneering work on its development was done right here in St. Mary’s City?
Join dendrochronologist Michael Worthington on an exploration of this fascinating but little-known science and the ways that it has changed our understanding of historic structures. He will discuss how dendrochronology works, how it has been applied in England and America, and the ways that it has shed light on the architectural development of Maryland and beyond.
The evening lecture will be held inside the Visitor Center Auditorium, 18751 Hogaboom Lane, St. Mary’s City, MD 20686. This lecture will be free and open to the public.
Historic St. Mary’s City is a museum of living history and archaeology on the site of Maryland’s first capital in beautiful, tidewater Southern Maryland.
For more information about the museum, contact the Visitor Center at 240-895-4990, 800-SMC-1634, [email protected], or visit our website at HSMCdigsHistory.org.