The U.S. Army and the Charles County Sheriff’s Office are scheduled to sign a partnership agreement on Thursday, November 14, 2019 as part of the U.S. Army Partnership for Youth Success (PaYS) program. The ceremony will take place at 11 a.m. at the Charles County Sheriff’s Office Headquarters, located at 6915 Crain Highway in La Plata.
The PaYS Program is a strategic partnership between the Army and a cross section of private industry, academia, and state and local public institutes. The U.S. Army PaYS Program guarantees Soldiers a job interview and possible employment after their service in the Army. The PaYS Program provides America’s youth with the unique opportunity to simultaneously serve their country and prepare for their future.
The PaYS program is designed to help Soldiers prepare for a career after the Army by connecting them with employers who understand the skills, discipline, and work ethic that military service members bring to a business. This program is part of a long-term U.S. Army effort to help Soldiers forge professional relationships with businesses and encourage business owners to look to the Army as a plentiful and reliable recruiting source. Since PaYS began in 2000, more than 800 employers have partnered with the program.
“We are very proud to be collaborating with the U.S. Army and the PaYS program,” said Sheriff Troy Berry. “We are committed to hiring individuals who represent the values represented in CCSO P.R.I.D.E.: professionalism, respect, integrity, duty, and excellence. U.S. Army Soldiers and veterans embody these qualities through their service to our country.”