In accordance with Section 113-5 of the Code of St. Mary’s County, the St. Mary’s County Metropolitan Commission (MetCom) will hold a Public Meeting to notify and inform the community regarding the proposed St. Clements Shores Water System Replacement Phase 2 Project No.: 2151WL.
This project is MetCom’s second phase of the St. Clements Shores’ waterline replacement efforts that include systems north of and including Lady Baltimore Avenue (from Big Pine Trail to Saint Clements Avenue), Archer Street, Big Pine Trail, Cecil Avenue, Cedar Street, Colton Street, Fido Road, Gore Street, Lee Street, Leonard Street, Long Leaf Lane, Osprey Place, Rocky Point Farm Lane, Saint Clements Avenue and Saint Mary’s Street. The water system within the St. Clements Shores subdivision was originally constructed in the 1950s and requires replacement.
The project will include the replacement of approximately 10,400 linear feet of water line with a new water system comprised of 12-inch, 8-inch, 6-inch, and 4-inch water lines. Increased depth of pipe burial, ample isolation valves, 17 fire hydrants, appurtenances and associated restoration are also included in the design to provide a more reliable system. Project construction is anticipated to start approximately spring 2020. The estimated total cost for Phase 2 of this water system replacement is $3,687,434.
The Public Meeting will be held on Tuesday, December 10, 2019, at 5:30 p.m., in the Main Conference Room of MetCom’s Administrative Office – 23121 Camden Way, California, MD 20619. The proposed contract documents, including plans and specifications, can be inspected at the time of the meeting or at MetCom’s Engineering Department, office location noted above, from 8:00 AM to 4:00 PM Monday through Friday.
All interested persons are invited to attend this Public Meeting to ask questions or present their comments and suggestions regarding this project. Please contact the Metropolitan Commission offices at 301-737-7400 Ext. 301 for more information, or if you cannot attend the meeting and would like to submit questions or provide comments.