FOP Lodge #7 President Elect, Austin Schultz provided SMNEWSNET with the following statement:
Today the Commissioners of St. Mary’s County were asked to vote to give the hard-working men and women of the St. Mary’s County Sheriff’s Office pay parity with our surrounding jurisdictions. We did not ask for more, we simply asked to be compensated equally and fairly. The job of law enforcement has always been and will always be a dangerous profession and a path that not many choose to walk. This danger is amplified when there is a shortage of manpower and a high turn over rate. The Sheriff’s Office is constantly struggling to recruit the highly motivated individuals this profession requires and to keep the officers that tax payers have invested time and money into.
Unfortunately, the vote today did not go in our favor which was extremely disappointing. Commissioner O’Connor and Colvin did vote in the affirmative for which Fraternal Order of Police Lodge #7 is grateful. Commissioner Guy, Morgan and Hewitt did not. During closing remarks, Commissioner Guy, Morgan and Hewitt spoke positively of the SMCSO receiving pay parity and committed to revisiting this issue in the near future. The FOP Lodge #7 looks forward to working with the commissioners to make this happen.
Sheriff Timothy K. Cameron told SMNEWSNET:
I am disappointed by the outcome of today’s vote but noted the commissioners were adamant about analyzing numbers to provide parity and remain optimistic of a deputy salary increase by March 6th.
St Mary’s County Commissioner John O’Connor released the following statement of Facebook today:
Today I sat in my chair as an elected leader and witnessed an all to familiar problem with our elected leaders in this country. Lack of Backbone, Integrity, lies, and Cowardice.
The men and women of The St Mary’s County Sheriff’s Office have earned and deserve pay equality. They have earned it with their blood sweat and tears there is no reason this should not have happened today. The money is there. Don’t lie to these men and women and say you got their back and then tuck your tail in between your legs and retreat when it’s time to step up.
We had the opportunity to do the right thing for our peacekeepers and failed them yet AGAIN. It seems that’s what politician do. Please take a moment to watch this, my comments, and commissioner Colvin’s comments.
I thank the Men and Women of FOP lodge 7 and the St Mary’s County Sheriff’s Office for everything they do. I wish I could have done more today.