It is with great sadness that the Calvert County Sheriff’s Office has to announce the passing of retired K-9 Wolf. K-9 Wolf was the partner to Sgt. Shawn Morder and served the agency from 2011-2018.
K-9 Wolf was a European import German Shepherd that was purchased from a vendor in North Carolina during the summer of 2011. K-9 Wolf entered patrol class in the fall of 2011, graduating after 18 weeks in the early part of 2012. K-9 Wolf was assigned with Sgt. Morder to the Calvert County Sheriff’s Office Patrol Bureau. K-9 Wolf was certified in tracking, evidence article search, building/area search, and criminal apprehension. He was seen by many at numerous K-9 demos he performed in addition to the County Fair, where he was able to demonstrate how he could turn his aggression on and off like a switch.
One of the highlights of K-9 Wolf’s career was when he located a handgun approximately 24 hours after it was dropped by a suspect in the woods. That same handgun was ultimately linked to a murder in New Jersey, which was committed by the same suspect.
K-9 Wolf was not only a great partner at work, but part of the Morder family. K-9 Wolf enjoyed lounging around the house and playing with the other family dogs.
K-9 Wolf will be greatly missed by the Morder family and the Calvert County Sheriff’s Office.
Thank you for your service K-9 Wolf