On Friday, December 20, 2019, at approximately 6:15 a.m., fire and rescue personnel responded to the area of Allens Fresh Run on Allens Fresh Road and Route 234 in Charles County, for the reported open water rescue.
Dispatchers received a 911 call from a male reporting his boat capsized sending all three occupants and one dog into the icy marsh.
40 volunteer fire and rescue personnel from Charles County, St. Mary’s County, the Department of Emergency Medical Services paramedics from Cobb Island, and an area rescue dive team responded to the scene.
Units arrived on the scene and conducted a search for a clear view on sight for the subjects, after approximately 15 minutes, units made direct contact with the males involved, all were okay, including their dog and gained shelter in a nearby duck blind that had a heat source in the 3 foot water line within the marsh.
Firefighters and Raft 5 from Seventh District Volunteer Fire Department in St. Mary’s County rescued one subject and his dog from the hunting blind, Tenth District Volunteer Fire Department Airboat 8 rescued one subject, and the third male subject had self extricated to land prior to arrival of rescue vessels.
All three males and their dog were evaluated by Ambulance #149 and refused treatment or transport on the scene.
Units cleared in just over an hour and a half, with no fire or emergency medical personnel reporting injuries.
All photos are courtesy of County Fire Chief Kaufmann, http://www.ccvfireems.org/, and the Seventh District Volunteer Fire Department. http://www.sdvfd5.com/