Officials Announce the First known COVID-19 Death of a Calvert County resident.

April 1, 2020

The Calvert County Board of County Commissioners (BOCC) announces the first known COVID-19 death of a Calvert County resident.

“This is a tragic loss and we ask all county residents to join us in sharing our heartfelt condolences and prayers with the family,” said BOCC President Kelly McConkey. “This brings home the seriousness of the situation we face. In this profoundly difficult time, we call for the entire Calvert County community to stand together – stay informed, take precautions and be good neighbors. We will use every resource available to protect the health of our community and support our health care workers and first responders.”

“Our medical team went to extraordinary efforts to care for the patient,” said President and CEO of CalvertHealth Medical Center Dean Teague. “We also extend our heartfelt sympathy to the family and friends of this individual. We know this is a challenging time for our community, and we are working tirelessly to protect our staff, our patients and the community.”

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