Maryland Reports 58,404 Confirmed Cases of COVID-19 and 2,686 Deaths. An Increase of 500 Cases, and 33 Deaths – New Tests Coming Back Positive Now at 7.15%

June 9, 2020

On Tuesday, June 9, 2020, Maryland reports 58,904 confirmed cases of COVID-19 and 2,686 deaths. An increase of 500 cases, and 33 deaths. Negative tests results now total 319,178, an increase of 6,079 tests.

COVID-19 Statistics in Maryland

Number of confirmed cases : 58,904
Number of persons tested negative : 319,178
Total testing volume : 443,478
Number of confirmed deaths : 2,686
Number of probable deaths : 125
Currently hospitalized : 970
Acute care : 584
Intensive care : 386
Ever hospitalized : 9,676
Released from isolation : 4,279

Cases and Deaths Data Breakdown:
Parenthesis = Confirmed death, laboratory-confirmed positive COVID-19 test result
Asterisk = Probable death, death certificate lists COVID-19 as the cause of death but not yet confirmed by a laboratory test
NH = Non-Hispanic

By County

County Cases Deaths
Allegany 186 (17)
Anne Arundel 4,309 (177) 9*
Baltimore City 6,355 (279) 8*
Baltimore County 6,852 (379) 19*
Calvert 363 (20) 1*
Caroline 273 (1)
Carroll 963 (99) 3*
Cecil 417 (25)
Charles 1,216 (80) 2*
Dorchester 157 (4)
Frederick 2,152 (104) 7*
Garrett 10
Harford 969 (52) 3*
Howard 2,191 (66) 5*
Kent 188 (19)
Montgomery 12,968 (628) 39*
Prince George’s 16,636 (583) 24*
Queen Anne’s 177 (12)
St. Mary’s 561 (34)
Somerset 77 (3)
Talbot 108 (4)
Washington 545 (17)
Wicomico 990 (33)
Worcester 241 (14) 1*
Data not available (36) 4*

By Age Range and Gender

Age/Gender Cases Deaths
0-9 1,541
10-19 2,750 (1)
20-29 8,319 (14) 1*
30-39 10,979 (34) 4*
40-49 10,596 (81) 3*
50-59 9,438 (194) 10*
60-69 6,832 (430) 12*
70-79 4,360 (658) 19*
80+ 4,089 (1,239) 72*
Data not available (35) 4*
Female 30,667 (1,312) 67*
Male 28,237 (1,374) 58*

By Race and Ethnicity

Race/Ethnicity Cases Deaths
African-American (NH) 16,966 (1,115) 43*
Asian (NH) 1,114 (101) 6*
White (NH) 11,547 (1,140) 65*
Hispanic 15,518 (261) 7*
Other (NH) 2,946 (32)
Data not available 10,813 (37) 4*