Greetings from Calvert Library, with everything else going on in the world, I’m happy to report that we have good news about your library. We will be opening book returns on June 10 and beginning curbside pick-up on June 22.
The safety of our staff and customers continues to be our highest priority and we have taken some extra time to plan and put software into place to make the process easy-to-use.
- Materials that are returned will be quarantined for 3 days so they will stay on your account until that time has elapsed.
- Materials that you check out will be ready-to-use/read but you are welcome to do an additional 3-day quarantine when you take them home.
- You will be able to pick up bagged materials that you have placed on hold in the library catalog in library vestibules or via trunk delivery.
We will be releasing a series of Can Do Digital Videos
How to Check Your Account so you know what library materials to look for under your sofa and give you time to remember who you lent things to during our closure. Nothing is technically due until August 1, so you have plenty of time to find everything you have checked out and we are still fine-free.
How to Place Holds to get the items you are looking for
How to Search for Your Next Read including a brand new online Personalized Suggestions form
How to Make a Curbside Appointment using our new software
Other safety precautions:
- Staff and customers (over the age of 2) are required to wear face coverings over nose and mouth
- Staff will be washing hands thoroughly and frequently
- Staff and customers will be maintaining proper distance during any in-person interactions.
For now, interactions not involving physical library materials should be via phone, email or online.
While our buildings are closed, staff are answering phones and email from home.
We won’t be offering in-person group classes/events this summer but we will continue to offer high quality classes/events online. Please put June 20 on your calendar for our online kickoff for #calvertREADS. Beginning at noon on the 20th, we’ll have how-to videos, pottery and cooking demonstrations, performances and more!
We don’t know when it will be recommended that we invite the public back in to the buildings but we’re busy making adjustments inside each space to be ready to invite users back in to browse, use computers and see our wonderful librarians face to face (or at least covered face to covered face)!
We miss seeing you and we look forward to returning to more normal service in the library locations in the future. In the meantime, we’re glad that we’ll start to be able to get books and movies and other real-life library materials into your hands starting June 22!
Carrie Willson, Executive Director