Bryan Matthew Mullins, 35, of Chesapeake Beach
On Friday, July 31, 2020, an 18-year-old female, who is a 2020 Huntingtown High School graduate reported to a school administrator that a teacher had engaged in an inappropriate relationship with her during the 2019-2020 school year. She told authorities, she was 17 years old when the sexual relationship began.
The student identified the teacher as Bryan Matthew Mullins, 35, of Chesapeake Beach.
The student provided officers from the Calvert County Sheriff’s Office with a packet of evidence and documents that she has acquired over the last year, to include printouts of text messages, and handwritten love letters.
On August 3rd, 2020 police conducted an audio and video recorded interview with the victim, and she stated that Mr. Mullins was her 9th grade English teacher and this past year he was her supervising teacher. The victim said that during the summer of 2019 while she was 17 years of age, she and Mr. Mullins began following each other on Twitter. Early on, the victim said that he simply commented on her status and it was very normal. During the month of September however, the victim stated that Mr. Mullins began flirting with her through Direct Messages (DMs) on Twitter, and it was during this time that the two began cultivating a relationship online. On October 4th, 2019, the victim stated that Mr. Mullins kissed her for the first time in school. They continued to communicate via Twitter, Instagram, text messages, and E-mail about meeting each other outside of school.
The victim told police about other times and locations where they had met and engaged in sex. When police asked the victim to estimate how many times she and Mr. Mullins have engaged in sexual intercourse and she stated approximately 40 times. Of those 40 times, the victim stated that approximately 30 of those times were when she was 17 years of age. The victim also stated that she and Mr. Mullins have performed other sex acts on each other approximately 20 times.
In January of 2020, the victim stated that Mr. Mullins’ wife found out about the affair because she questioned him on who he was messaging on Twitter constantly. According to the victim, Mr. Mullins admitted to his wife that he had been having an affair with the victim. Around this same time, teachers at Huntingtown High School had been noticing the victim and Mr. Mullins spending a considerable amount of time with each other and complained to the Principal which sparked an inquiry. The victim stated that she and Mr. Mullins were questioned separately, and she lied about their relationship because she was in love with him at the time. The victim stated that during her relationship with Mr. Mullins, he made promises leaving his wife for her and quitting his job so that he could move to another state with her. The victim said once Mr. Mullins’ wife found out, his attitude towards her changed and he insisted that he was staying with his wife and cared more about wife’s feelings than hers while continuing to pursue to victim in school, and through social media and email in hopes to meet up. This behavior continued into the summer, even when the victim did not respond. This made the victim feel used and manipulated by Mr. Mullins which caused the victim to confide in a friend, and the friend told a teacher who reported the incident to the HHS Principal.
Bryan Matthew Mullins has been placed on administrative leave without pay after being arrested on Monday, August 3, 2020, and charged with sexual abuse of a minor and other related charges. Mullins was released from jail on Wednesday, August 5, 2020, after posting bond in the amount of $10,000.
Mullins is scheduled to appear in Calvert County District Court for a preliminary hearing on Thursday, September 3, 2020.

Bryan Matthew Mullins, 35, of Chesapeake Beach