Good news!! Following the Board of Public Works Virtual Meeting that was held on September 2, 2020, the proposed cuts to the Maryland State Police Aviation Division are no longer being considered.
After a meeting in July of 2020, the Maryland State Board of Public Works considered multiple significant and vital budget cuts to the Maryland State Police Aviation Division due to the State’s revenue decline and shortfall from COVID-19.
In those budget cuts were Maryland State Police Helicopter Trooper 4, which provides critical emergency service to Worcester County, Somerset County and Wicomico, along with the Berlin and Ocean City area, or to Maryland State Police Helicopter Trooper 6, which provides services to the Easton, Caroline and Queen Anne’s County area, and also provides mutual aid to St. Mary’s, Calvert, and Charles Counties when Trooper 2 (Prince George’s County), and Trooper 7 (St. Mary’s County) are unavailable.
The cuts to this vital emergency service provided by Maryland State Police would have only saved the state $1.3 million. The cost from the maintenance and overtime associated with closing one of the Aviation Hangars, and selling one of the helicopters and one unused aircraft and the estimated $490,000 in fuel and maintenance savings.
Over 50 years the members of the Maryland State Police Aviation Command have completed more than 180,000 missions and transported over 150,000 patients. The Aviation Command currently has a fleet of 10 AgustaWestland AW 139 helicopters that are assigned to seven sections.
We will update this when we receive updates. The full video can be watched below. The talks of the Maryland State Police Aviation starts at 1:31:30.
State Senator Mary Beth Carozza (R-38), who represents Ocean City and Worcester County, released a statement which can be read below.

State Senator Mary Beth Carozza (R-38), who represents Ocean City and Worcester County, released this statement regarding the cuts.

Trooper 6 in St. Mary’s County

Trooper 4 in Salisbury