St. Mary’s County Notice of Public Hearings on Tuesday, January 5, 2021

December 29, 2020

The Commissioners of St. Mary’s County will conduct Public Hearings Tuesday, January 5, 2021, to obtain citizens’ views and input. These hearings will take place in the Chesapeake Building located at 41770 Baldridge Street in Leonardtown, MD.

Hearing 1. Disposition of Surplus County-Owned Real Property. To consider the disposition of county-owned surplus real property, with a street address of 22695 Old Rolling Road, California, MD, and further described as Lot 500-2, John Stanton Pierce Property & Feicht Subdivision, containing 2.06 acres, more or less, formerly known as Lot 2, John S. Pierce Property, and Lots 500-1A and 500-1B, Feicht Subdivision. The Public Hearing will begin at 9:10 a.m.

Hearing 2. To solicit and receive comments on the consideration of a resolution to transfer to The Bay District Volunteer Fire Department, Inc., a nonprofit corporation in St. Mary’s County, real property no longer needed for a public purpose, containing 0.08967 acres of land located in Lexington Park, and described as an alleyway as part of the Commissioner’s right-of-way’s known as “South Coral Place” and “Tulagi Place,” and having an appraised value of $10,000.

Issues to be considered at the public hearing include

  1. compatibility of the proposed use with the neighborhood;
  2. financial issues, including the ability of the proposed transferee to construct, renovate, maintain, and operate a facility on the property;
  3. the historical significance of the property; and 4) unique characteristics of any structure on the property.

The Public Hearing will begin at 9:20 a.m.

Hearing 3. To consider the legislative proposal stating that the Commissioners of St. Mary’s County are the Authority Having Jurisdiction for the purposes of Emergency Medical Services (EMS) Billing. The Public Hearing will begin at 6 p.m.

Due to social distancing guidelines, these Public Hearings are not open to the public. However, it is possible to view them on SMCG Channel 95 or the St. Mary’s County Government YouTube channel or to listen to the public hearing by calling 301-579-7236; access code: 963443#.

In lieu of appearance, comments may be submitted via:

  1. Written Comments via email:
  2. Mail: P.O. Box 653 Leonardtown, MD 20650
  3. Call 301-475-4200 x 1234 to speak via telephone during the public hearing
  4. Submit a three-minute video clip to no later than 5 p.m. Jan. 12, 2021.

The Commissioners will consider all submissions at the Public Hearings and/or seven days following the Public Hearing. For additional information, please contact,