Charles County Sheriff’s Office Celebrating Black History Month – Meet Police Officer First Class Richard Swann

February 12, 2021

In continuing our celebration of #BlackHistoryMonth, meet Police Officer First Class Richard Swann.

PFC Swann chooses to serve in Charles County because he was born and raised here. He says “there would be no better place to protect and serve than where I come from.”

Before joining CCSO, PFC Swann served as a Sergeant in the United States Marine Corps for 4 years in Camp Pendleton, California. After that, he worked for Dunbar Armored as an armed guard transporting money while he was waiting to be hired on as a Police Officer.

He says that being a police officer today is definitely a challenge. “Today’s climate does add a layer of difficultly to the job. I honestly do not mind the challenges of being an officer today. I like a job with a challenge, and I like helping people in need.”

He continued, “Being a Police Officer as a African American man is fun and challenging as well in itself. It’s nice to make small talk with citizens about our last names and who we may be related to in the county. I can relate and build a good rapport with the community, which seems to help bridge this gap. I grew up with people who faced tremendous challenges, so when I come in contact with citizens going through similar problems I can speak to them as another citizen and give alternative solutions from experience. Working under Sheriff Berry is also another motivation of mine; he is proof that an African American man can achieve the highest position, and that makes me strive to be the best I can.”