The Commissioners of St. Mary’s County held their first regular business meeting for the month, Tuesday, March 2, 2021, in the Chesapeake Building in Leonardtown.
The first item on the agenda was a Public Hearing for the Department of Land Use & Growth Management Proposed Amendment to the Official Zoning Maps of St. Mary’s County to delete the existing 1000-foot Critical Area Boundary line and replace with the new Critical Area Boundary line from the Statewide Base Map as required by HB 1253. The Commissioners will continue to receive public comment until 5 p.m. March 9, 2021. Those wishing to comment may do so via email to or by mail to Commissioners of St. Mary’s County, P.O. Box 653, Leonardtown, MD 20650.
Following the Public Hearing, the Commissioners read Proclamations in recognition of Women’s History Month and National Developmental Disability Awareness Month.
The Commissioners recognized completion of the Electric Vehicle Charging Station at the Leonardtown Library with a Virtual Ribbon Cutting Ceremony featuring remarks from SMECO and county representatives.
Deputy County Attorney Neil Murphy briefed the Commissioners on the status of bills currently under consideration for legislation.
The Commissioners adjourned and reconvened as the Board of Health the hear from County Health Officer, Dr. Meenakshi Brewster on St. Mary’s County COVID statistics and vaccinations.
The Board of Health also received details about a Behavioral Health Hub concept program planned for a donated facility in Lexington Park. Sheriff Tim Cameron and Superintendent James Scott Smith joined Dr. Brewster to describe the integrated services and programs which will include crisis services, diversion programs and would be a primary care access point for the community.
The Commissioners accepted a budget amendment request for an increased allocation of $10,987 for funding to the Sheriff’s Office for the Safe to Learn School Overwatch Grant program.
The Commissioners approved the Sheriff’s Office request for $23,030 for Highway Safety Grant Applications for FFY2022. The funds will go toward Speed Enforcement, Distracted Driving and Impaired Driving programs.
St. Mary’s County Metropolitan Commission (MetCom) was granted authorization by the Commissioners to apply for the Maryland Water Quality Financing Administration (MWQFA) Loan and a bond sale of general obligation infrastructure bonds for the St. Clement Shores Water System, Phase 2 Capital Improvement Project in an amount not to exceed $3,687,434.
The Department of Recreation and Parks was approved to apply for Child Care Pandemic Relief Grant Funds through the Maryland State Department of Education to support the all-day School Age Care program at the Hollywood Recreation Center.
The Commissioners approved the annual eligibility list presented by the Director of Human Resources for The St. Mary’s County Length of Service Award Program (LOSAP). This retirement program is for members of volunteer fire departments, rescue squads and Advanced Life Support (ALS) Unit.
The Commissioners will reconvene at 1:30 p.m., Tuesday, March 2, 2021, for their FY2022 Budget Work Session Follow-up and Operating – Board of Education. The work session can be viewed live on SMCG Ch. 95 or on the county government YouTube channel.
The next regularly scheduled business meeting of the Commissioners of St. Mary’s County is Tuesday, March 9, 2021. Commissioner decisions and related public documents are available on the county government website in BoardDocs. St. Mary’s County Commissioner Meetings may be viewed live Tuesday mornings on SMCG Channel 95 or as a replay Friday nights at 6:30 p.m. Meetings are also available for on-demand viewing on the St. Mary’s County Government YouTube Channel.