Anne Arundel County Police Body Worn Camera Program

May 26, 2021

The Anne Arundel County Police Department is on schedule for the implementation of the Body Worn Camera (BWC) program.

Training for officers is anticipated to begin in July and continue through September of this year. The goals of the Body Worn Camera program are to:

  • strengthen police accountability
  • promote de-escalation
  • enhance the ability to resolve officer-involved incidents and complaints
  • improve transparency
  • identify and correct internal agency issues
  • strengthen officer performance and safety
  • increase community safety

Please visit our web page for the latest information and most recent updates on our (BWC) program. The web page may be viewed at:


The police department continued its community engagement work in the Body Worn Camera (BWC) program with a Community Townhall with County Executive Steuart Pittman and Chief of Police Amal Awad, held on May 4, 2021. Video from the event can be viewed on our BWC web page.

The police department has hired five of the eight support positions for the BWC program. The last three positions are currently moving through the selection process. The remaining positions are scheduled to be filled on or around June 10, 2021.

We are on schedule for our Police Academy Instructors to be fully trained by Axon representatives by mid-June on the use of the Body Worn Cameras. The academy instructors will then be responsible for training the entire agency from the Chief of Police to the newly hired recruits in the academy. This training will take place from July through September of this year. Officers will begin wearing and using the Body Worn Cameras once they complete the training.

Our Body Worn Camera project team has been working tirelessly over the past several months to ensure the successful implementation of our BWC program.